Visualised Tree Traversal Algorithms: Pre-order, In-order, and Post-order

BITBEE (Coding & Design)
3 min read2 hours ago



Welcome to our comprehensive guide on tree traversal techniques! In this blog post, we’ll explore the three primary types of tree traversals: Pre-order, In-order, and Post-order. These traversal methods are essential for exploring binary trees and are widely used in various applications.

Why Learn Tree Traversal?

Tree traversal algorithms are fundamental in data structures and algorithms. They allow us to visit each node in a binary tree in a specific order, which is crucial for various operations such as copying a tree, deleting a tree, and retrieving elements in sorted order.

Watch the Full Explanation

For a detailed explanation with visual examples and step-by-step instructions, check out our YouTube video at BITBEE Youtube on tree traversal algorithms:

🔗 Master Tree Traversal Algorithms: Pre-order, In-order, and Post-order

In this video, you’ll learn:

  • How to perform pre-order, in-order, and post-order traversals.
  • The applications of each traversal method.
  • Visual examples to help you understand each traversal.

Pre-order Traversal

Pre-order traversal involves visiting the root node first, then traversing the left subtree, and finally the right subtree. This traversal is useful for creating a copy of the tree or when a node’s value is needed before its children.

Visual Explanation

To better understand pre-order traversal, let’s visualize it with a simple binary tree:

BITBEE (Coding & Design)

The pre-order traversal of this tree would be: 1 → 2 → 4 → 5 → 3

In-order Traversal

In-order traversal involves traversing the left subtree first, then visiting the root node, and finally traversing the right subtree. This traversal is commonly used in binary search trees to retrieve elements in sorted order.

Visual Explanation

Using the same binary tree as before:

BITBEE (Coding & Design)

The in-order traversal of this tree would be: 4 → 2 → 5 → 1 → 3

Post-order Traversal

Post-order traversal involves traversing the left subtree first, then the right subtree, and finally visiting the root node. This traversal is useful for deleting a tree or when a node’s value is needed after its children.

Visual Explanation

Again, using the same binary tree:

BITBEE (Coding & Design)

The post-order traversal of this tree would be: 4 → 5 → 2 → 3 → 1


Mastering tree traversal algorithms is essential for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of data structures and algorithms. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, these techniques are fundamental for various applications and interview questions.

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