New Features from Java 17 to 21: A Detailed Overview with Examples

BITBEE (Coding & Design)
4 min readMay 22, 2024


Photo by Michiel Leunens on Unsplash

Java continues to evolve, introducing new features and enhancements with each release. From Java 17 to 21, there have been several significant updates aimed at improving performance, security, and developer productivity. In this post, we’ll explore the key new features introduced in Java 17 through Java 21, complete with examples to help you understand and utilize these features in your projects.

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Java 17 (LTS):

1. Sealed Classes

Sealed classes restrict which other classes or interfaces may extend or implement them. This feature provides more control over the inheritance hierarchy.


2. Pattern Matching for `switch` (Preview)

This feature extends pattern matching to the `switch` statement, making it more expressive and concise.


3. Strongly Encapsulate JDK Internals

Java 17 strengthens encapsulation by making internal APIs inaccessible by default, promoting the use of standard APIs.

// Accessing internal APIs directly will fail; use public APIs instead.

Java 18:

1. UTF-8 by Default:

Java 18 makes UTF-8 the default character set for the `String` class, file I/O, and other APIs, ensuring consistent behavior across different platforms.


2. Simple Web Server

A new simple web server is included in Java 18 for prototyping and testing.


Java 19:

1. Virtual Threads (Preview)

Virtual threads simplify the creation and management of high-throughput concurrent applications.


2. Structured Concurrency (Incubator)

This API simplifies concurrent programming by treating multiple tasks running in different threads as a single unit of work.


Java 20:

1. Record Patterns (Preview)

Record patterns extend pattern matching to destructure record values directly in patterns.


2. Scoped Values (Incubator)

Scoped values provide an alternative to thread-local variables, offering better performance and safety.


Java 21:

1. Pattern Matching for `switch` (Final)

Pattern matching for `switch` becomes a standard feature, making code more readable and concise.


2. Sequenced Collections

Sequenced collections provide a new interface for collections that maintain a defined iteration order.


3. Virtual Threads (Final)

Virtual threads are now a standard feature, making it easier to write scalable concurrent applications.



Java 17 to 21 have brought many exciting and powerful features that enhance the language’s capabilities, improve developer productivity, and support modern application development. Whether you’re working on improving performance, writing cleaner code, or handling concurrency, these new features provide valuable tools to achieve your goals. Stay up-to-date with the latest Java releases and incorporate these features into your projects to take full advantage of what Java has to offer.

Feel free to leave any questions or comments below, and happy coding with the new Java features!

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