Average of Levels in Binary Tree
Leet Code Question:

The key to solving this problem is performing BFS or Level order traversal of the tree.
if we take above “Example 1”, the level order traversal is:
so their respective averages list is:
[3/1, 29/2, 22/2]
=> [3.0,14.5,11] (ans)
So for BFS traversal, we can take the help of a Queue, to push elements at each level. So that we can calculate avg over each level.
Java Code:

Time Complexity:
The time complexity of the above solution is O(n) and requires O(n) extra space, where n
is the size of the binary tree.
We can also solve this problem by using hashing. The idea is to traverse the tree in a preorder fashion and store every node and its level in a multimap using the level number as a key. Finally, print all nodes corresponding to every level starting from the first level. We can also traverse the tree in an inorder or postorder fashion.
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